I watched a medical documentary about an obese woman who lost a tremendous amount of weight. Though her family celebrated her success, how she lost the weight was hidden until the documentary. Her weight loss was due to binging and purging. Everyone was so surprised because due to the weight loss her outward appearance was nothing short of amazing.
The host of this documentary decided for medical test to reveal any hidden medical issues. As the professionals expected, the results were not very good. As a matter of fact, her heart muscle was so weak that she was in danger of having a heart attack.

To get help for this disorder she agreed to go to a recommended medical facility. After receiving the proper treatment, she returned to the show fully recovered.
During the post interview, the medical team explained how they addressed her issues. First, they gave her the proper medical treatment for her body to return to a healthy state. Once this was accomplished, the doctor said they then began to challenge the eating disorder. Her complete recovery did not take place until she agreed to the challenge.

Many in the body of Christ are walking around acting as if they’re spiritually healthy. But deep within there is a secret. Looks can be very deceiving. Just like the woman mentioned, even your family and closest friends are blinded to the fact that you are dying spiritually. Your inner core is slowly drifting towards spiritual death. You are the silent sufferer. To many you are spiritually strong; a mighty prayer warrior, worship leader, youth leader, staff pastor or even a senior pastor, etc.

Deception! Satan is a deceiver. If allowed to, he will use our own deception to further his plans to abort the plans of God for our lives. He convinces many that their disorder is ordered by God. After all, I can’t stop it from happening. He wants you to believe that this is how your life should be. Many who agree with this deception often wait for the relief of death to escape the torment in their souls.
Dear friend, that is not the answer. Total spiritual health is key. Then you must challenge the disorder. Challenge those things that are bringing destruction to your soul. Challenge it with the Word of God and spiritual counselling. Your complete healing and breakthrough will not take place until you dare to CHALLENGE THE DISORDER

Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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